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HomeNewsNurse begins Disney trip fundraiser for friend with cancer

Nurse begins Disney trip fundraiser for friend with cancer

Angela Poston
Angela Poston

Angela Poston is 34-years-old and was recently diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.

Her friend, Michelle Gilliland, has started raising money to help Angela realize a dream of taking her children to Walt Disney World in Florida.

“Myself and her fellow nursing comrades want to try and raise money for her to take this trip while she’s still healthy enough to go and enjoy seeing those smiles on her kids’ faces,” Michelle wrote on the GoFundMe page she created.

Michelle and Angela are nurses at Meadowview Regional Medical Center in Maysville and both are residents of Tollesboro.

Michelle Gilliland
Michelle Gilliland

“She is almost finished with her Family Nurse Practitioner’s degree and was planning her career,” Michelle wrote of Angela.
“She will start taking a chemo pill to slow the progression but the prognosis is terminal,” she added.

Angela had an open lung biopsy on January 3 after recent CT scans indicated multiple new nodules.
“I’m extremely nervous, but at the same time glad that we will finally have some answers,” Angela posted the day before the biopsy. “Please pray for my family and me, as well as the surgeon and other medical professionals who will be caring for me. God’s got this,” she wrote.

Four days after the biopsy Angela posted this:
“Adenocarcinoma – a malignant tumor formed from glandular structures in epithelial tissue. Not the term we wanted to hear this week. The official pathology report isn’t back at this time, should be at the beginning of the week at which time we will see my oncologist and come up with the best possible treatment plan. Please continue to pray.”

On Wednesday, January 11, Angela received the results of that biopsy.
“We got the confirmation today that my cancer is back,” she wrote. “I will be starting Tarceva, a chemo pill. Sometimes you get to choose your battles, and sometimes they choose you.”

By Sunday the word of Angela’s diagnosis had spread throughout the community, among her coworkers and to her church family.

“Thanks to everyone for all the love and support,” Angela wrote. “Several people have stopped by, brought food, cleaned, sent things in the mail, hung out and so much more! It has been such a help and we are truly grateful.”
“Also, a big thanks to Meadowview Regional Medical Center and Oak Ridge Baptist Church,” she added.

Michelle established the GoFundMe Page on Sunday with a goal of $5,000. By Monday evening the contributions had already reached $1,975.

“(Angela) has dreamed of taking her children to Disney in Florida so they can share those wonderful memories and keep those with them as they grow up,” Michelle wrote.

The Poston Family: (left to right) Brady, Stephen, Raylan, Angela, Kaylee and Kloe.
The Poston Family: (left to right) Brady, Stephen, Raylan, Angela, Kaylee and Kloe.

Angela’s children are 13-year-old Kaylee, 12-year-old Brady, 10-year-old Kloe, and three-year-old Raylan.

Michelle says she will post regular updates and photos to the GoFundMe page.
“Please keep her and her family in your prayers as they are still in shock,” Michelle added.

“I’m speechless,” Angela wrote after learning of Michelle’s efforts.
“This is my second battle with this evil disease, however, the prognosis is much worse this time around. We are still in shock, as Michelle stated. We are so grateful for everyone’s love and support and to be able to have this experience with my children would be priceless,” she wrote.

“Thanks everyone for the love and prayers,” Angela adds. “Keep them coming!”

Contributions may be made online or to an account established at locations of Citizens Deposit Bank.
A quarter auction is also being planned to help fund the trip.

Click HERE to go to the GoFundMe Page.

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