Wednesday, March 19, 2025
HomeNewsChildren to receive meals over extended school break

Children to receive meals over extended school break

Lewis County Schools Food Service Director Tiffany Felty

Lewis County children will have meals delivered to their homes for each weekday during the extended break according to Tiffany Felty, Food Service Director for Lewis County Schools.

Felty says food service staff, along with Superintendent Jamie Weddington and Transportation Director Greg Hartley, worked together to implement a plan to get meals to Lewis County students during the extended school closure.

Beginning Monday, March 16, meals will be delivered along Lewis County Schools bus routes between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Bus monitors and other school personnel will be bringing the meals from the bus to the homes of students along the routes.

The ask that someone be available at home during those hours to receive the meals.

Felty says because of the extenuating circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak, the district is eligible to serve any children in Lewis County under the age of 18 years.

Meals will be delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday (March 16, 18, and 20) for the initial week to test the planned delivery system.

On Monday, students will receive a breakfast and lunch for Monday and Tuesday; on Wednesday, students will receive a breakfast and lunch for Wednesday and Thursday; and on Friday, students will receive and breakfast and lunch for that day.

Felty asks recipients to be patient as school personnel learn the ropes of meal delivery.

“Our goal is to feed as many students as possible over the course of this break,” she said.

Felty said the meal program will be evaluated after the first week and delivery plans could be adjusted for the remainder of the break.

Anyone with questions should contact the school their child attends or the board office at 606-796-2811.

Click HERE for the video.

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