All offices in the Lewis County Courthouse have reopened to the public with a few COVID-related restrictions.
Judge Executive Jimmy Lykins said he met with courthouse officials and approved plans to reopen all offices.
Some offices in the courthouse had been closed to in-person services since an escalation in positive COVID-19 cases in the area, including a worker at the courthouse.
Lykins said the courthouse will be open to the public with the following restrictions:
• Every person entering the courthouse must wear a facial covering.
• Every person must maintain a separation of at least six feet from other persons at all times.
• Each office may have no more than three individuals present at any time.
• No more than two customers/visitors may be in any office at the same time.
Lykins said groups will not be permitted to enter and urges only those specific individuals who have business with an office in the courthouse to enter the facility. Those entering will be subject to temperature checks.
All offices will maintain their regular posted hours.
County Clerk Glenda Himes said most of services provided by her office may be handled online or by telephone, for those who want to utilize those options. She urges anyone with questions to call her office at 606-796-3062.
Lykins urges everyone to follow CDC recommendations to protect yourself and others, and to stay home if you are sick or have any COVID symptoms.
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