Lewis County Schools Superintendent Jamie Weddington has notified staff, parents and students of changes prompted by COVID-19 incidents in the district.
The changes will place students on virtual learning until at least November 9.
This is the notification released today:
This morning, October 24, 2020, we received notification from the Lewis County Health Department that one staff member at Lewis County High School has tested positive for COVID and several staff members will be required to quarantine. Additionally, we have two staff members at Lewis County Central Elementary who will be quarantined as a result of COVID contacts. At this point, no students from in person learning have tested positive and no students will be required to quarantine.
We realize this is extremely short notice, however, the growing number of staff vacancies will greatly impact our ability to continue in-person instruction safely.
Therefore, beginning Monday, October 26, 2020, all LCSD in-person students will move to virtual learning through Friday November 6, 2020. Â In person learning students will return to school on Monday, November 9, 2020. Â
A schedule for food service pickup or delivery will be announced on Monday, October 26.
Students who need to pick up their Chromebooks should call their schools and schedule an appointment to do so Monday morning.
Instruction will continue on the virtual platforms and staff who have not been quarantined will be available at school for assistance.
Our custodial, transportation, and maintenance staff will continue cleaning and sanitizing all Lewis County School facilities and buses over the next two weeks.
We encourage our entire community to continue following the recommended public health guidelines, including wearing a mask, frequent hand washing, and maintaining a social distance whenever possible. Please be aware of any symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. Additional symptoms may include runny nose, sore throat, nausea, and lack of appetite, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, headache and body aches. If these symptoms develop, please self-isolate your child and contact the health department or your primary health care provider
We appreciate everyone’s continued support and patience during these unprecedented times. We must all work together to curb the spread of COVID-19 in our community. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Lewis County Health Department at 606-796-2632.
Jamie Weddington
Superintendent Lewis County Schools