Lewis County dog license tags are now on sale.
The tags, required for all dogs by county ordinance, may be obtained at the Lewis County Animal Shelter by appointment or at the judge executive’s office in the courthouse during regular business hours.
The cost for each tag is $5 and goes toward expenses for the county’s animal shelter.
Animal Control Officer Phillip Stamm said each tag is numbered and information on the dog’s owner is kept at the animal shelter.
“If a dog comes to the shelter wearing a tag we can identify who the owner is and contact them,” Stamm said.
The animal shelter is located on County Drive off Clarksburg Road just west of Vanceburg.
Call for more information at 606-796-3917.
Stamm said the ordinance requiring dogs be tagged has been on the books for several years and adds many people aren’t aware of the law.
“It helps support the local shelter and provides us with a convenient way to help reunite lost pets with their owners,” he added.