Fire destroyed the home and belongings of the Erin Cooper and Steve Savage family on McClurg Lane in Garrison last week.
The home was completely destroyed by the fire and the cause remains undetermined.
Firefighters from Garrison, Firebrick, Black Oak, and Lewis County fire departments responded to the call.
“No one was at home at the time of the fire,” said Garrison Fire Chief Marty Strong.
“It’s my understanding the family was traveling to Florida and visit with family when the fire happened,” Strong added.
He said the property is owned by James and Maggie Carver and the structure had apparently been burning for a while before a neighbor noticed it and dialed 911.
Erin Cooper received a telephone call from a neighbor reporting the news.
“Will never forget how I felt when I got this phone call,” she wrote on social media.
“My heart was on the ground, to know everything we have is gone,” she added.
Cooper and family members were on the way to visit with Cooper’s parents after receiving news that her father was ill.
“I loved our home,” she wrote. “Was so excited and thankful we had found it before someone else.”
Cooper reported she couldn’t wait to put up their first Christmas tree in the home.
“Now it’s gone,” she wrote.
Cooper thanked the owners for giving the family the opportunity to live in the home and thanked everyone who said a prayer or helped in any way.
She added she is also thankful the family wasn’t at the home at the time of the fire because they may not have escaped.
“This is the most devastating thing a person can go through,” she wrote.
“Knowing you have nothing to go to, no place to call home all in the blink of an eye and all your babies things gone and hearing them cry. It’s very, very, very hard,” she wrote.
Cooper wrote she is also upset by rumors and misinformation circulating concerning the fire.
“I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy,” she stated.
There are seven children in the family.
“Everything is gone. I’m heartbroken,” Cooper said.
Lisa Kennard, Cooper’s aunt, is collecting donations for the family.
Kennard, who lives in Vanceburg, may be reached at 606-796-2890 or 606- 541-3409.
“Anything will be appreciated,” Cooper said. “Just keep us in prayers, especially my babies.