The home of a Lewis County family was destroyed last week in a fire that also claimed their two dogs.
The cause of the fire is thought to be electrical and the home was a total loss.
The Tar Fork Road residence was the home of Randy and Ginny Butler and their two dogs.
No one was at home when the fire started about 1:00 p.m. Thursday. Ginny Butler said she discovered the fire as she was returning from visiting with her mother and family members in Vanceburg.
“It was half way gone when I got back home,” she said, adding that Randy Butler was at work at the time.
Firefighters from the Camp Dix Volunteer Fire Department responded to the call along with assistance from the Olive Hill Fire Department and Route 377 Fire Department.
Ginny Butler said the cause is believed to have been an electrical short in the wall between a bedroom and the bathroom.
They didn’t have insurance and were unable to salvage anything from the structure, losing everything including their two beloved “fur babies.”

A Go Fund Me account has been established to allow for contributions to be made to the family online. Ginny Butler may also be contacted directly on her cell phone (606-541-7499). She wears size 18 in jeans and shorts and 2XL shirts. Randy Butler wears 38X32 in jeans and XL in shirts.
The couple may also be contacted through their Facebook account at Randy-Virginia Butler.
The Go Fund Me page is located at https://www.gofundme.com/2qyq4eck.
“We want to thank everyone for their kind words and prayers during this time,” she said.
All contributions to the family are appreciated.