Lewis County Health Director Anita Bertram said Lewis County is now at 151 total confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 90 of those currently active.
An outbreak at Vanceburg Rehabilitation and Care announced August 1 now accounts for 100 of the reported cases.
Bertram said 70 in-house residents and 30 staff members at the facility have tested positive for COVID-19 as of Thursday evening.
She said health department workers are making contact investigations and follow-ups with the latest cases including those at the nursing facility.
Bertram said there are six COVID-19 related deaths in Lewis County.
Details about the individuals will not be provided because of medical privacy laws.
“I want to caution those who think this outbreak is only confined to our nursing home because this outbreak is countywide,” Bertram said.
“Now more than ever we need to be wearing our masks when we go out in public,” she said. “We need to stay home as much as possible and we shouldn’t be planning group activities.”
“I know it’s so difficult and people want to socialize. It’s easy to think if you’re outside, it’s OK. You can’t get COVID,” Bertram said. “This is simply not true.”
“Yes, it’s better to be outside versus inside but COVID can still be transmitted,” she said. “We are in a serious outbreak here in Lewis County.”

In his media briefing on Tuesday, Gov. Andy Beshear released information from the White House placing Lewis County in the Red Zone, meaning the positivity rate is 10 percent or higher.
Joe Donchatz, Executive Director of Vanceburg Rehabilitation and Care, said in the facility’s initial release he had learned that a resident of the nursing home had visited an area hospital and was in contact with a hospital employee that later tested positive.
Donchatz said several residents began exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 resulting in COVID testing for all suspected residents and staff.
Regular COVID-19 testing at the facility continues with frequent health checks throughout each day.
Local coronavirus testing is for anyone age 18 and older and is available by appointment at the Lewis County Health Department three days a week. There is no charge for the test.
Those younger than 18 should consult a physician or call the health department for information about being tested.
COVID-19 testing by appointment is available Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.
To make an appointment to be tested, or for more information, call the Lewis County Health Department at 606-796-2632.
Lewis County residents may dial 606-202-8600 for more information on COVID-19. The state hotline is 800-722-5725.
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