Lewis County Health Director Anita Bertram has confirmed the county’s first four deaths related to COVID-19.
The four were residents at Vanceburg Rehabilitation and Care, Bertram said. The first death occurred early Thursday morning at an area medical facility.
The second death was confirmed Sunday and the third and fourth deaths were reported Monday morning, Bertram said.
“I extend my deepest sympathies to the families and friends for their loss,” Bertram said. “It is now more important than ever that we each do our part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
“We must work together to limit the spread and impact of COVID-19 in our community,” she said.
Bertram adds the administrators with Vanceburg Rehabilitation and Care have been working closely with her and others to contain the spread of the virus at the facility.
“We are working together to do everything possible to halt the spread of this virus,” Bertram said. “I continue to ask for prayers for everyone affected.”
The outbreak of COVID-19 at the facility was announced August 1.
Steps to help slow the spread of the virus include:
• Wearing a mask or face covering, especially when you are unable to practice social distancing.
• Practicing physical distancing by staying six feet away from people who are not a member of your household.
• Covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or sleeve, or a tissue and then throw the tissue away and wash your hands afterward.
• Thoroughly washing your hands often with soap and water, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
• Avoiding groups of people, when possible.
Local coronavirus testing is for anyone age 18 and older and is available by appointment at the Lewis County Health Department three days a week. There is no charge for the test.
Those younger than 18 should consult a physician or call the health department for information about being tested.
COVID-19 testing by appointment is available Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.
To make an appointment to be tested, or for more information, call the Lewis County Health Department at 606-796-2632.
Lewis County residents may dial 606-202-8600 for more information on COVID-19. The state hotline is 800-722-5725
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