Billy Fannin started driving trucks some time back and he’s recently shifted to a higher gear by stepping into the freight brokerage business.
“I’m the first licensed freight broker in Lewis County,” Fannin said.
“I decided to graduate from driving dump trucks to semi trucks when I was just a young pup,” Fannin said.
That was 27 years ago.

“I’m hoping that by having this service in place it will help to enhance the efforts of local officials to attract new business to the area,” he said.
“I applaud Billy’s work to become a licensed independent freight broker,” said Lewis County Judge Executive Todd Ruckel.
Ruckel recently met with Fannin to discuss his newly inaugurated business, Fanco Logistics, LLC.
“I applaud Billy’s efforts to build his company and to do it here in Lewis County,” Ruckel added.
“Lewis County is a place I dearly love,” Fannin said.