With winter weather on the way, Lewis County residents are encouraged to sign up for local emergency notifications to help be better prepared.
Lewis County Alerts is a system to help keep our citizens informed on potentially hazardous situations involving weather, traffic, and other emergencies.

It is a free service that allows citizens to sign up for notifications sent directly from local authorities and the National Weather Service.
Lewis County Alerts is a tool that enables us to notify the community in real time. This service allows for critical communication with the public and provides individuals with the information needed to stay safe or take precautions during hazardous and emergency situations.
Lewis County Alerts enables residents and travelers in Lewis County to sign up to receive timely and actionable emergency alerts via email, text or voice message.
Residents can also identify when and how they are alerted and communicated with before, during, and after emergencies.
Residents may also download the Smart911 app to sign up for Lewis County Alerts to receive key information needed in an emergency.
The Smart911 app provides enhanced functionality by sending targeted alerts based on the user’s location through push notifications. Smart911 app users will receive the highest priority National Weather Service alerts including tornado warnings, flash flood warnings, and severe thunderstorm warnings, based on their real-time location.
Residents will receive notifications that will improve safety in our community and be informed of potentially lifesaving actions they may need to take in an emergency. The information sent out by Lewis County Alerts through these emergency notifications allows residents and first responders to be better informed in an emergency situation.
When authorities have information about a situation, such as severe storm or other emergency, we can be more effective in providing information and appropriate assistance. We encourage all members of our community to sign up in order to be better prepared when an emergency occurs.
Discussion during a tabletop exercise with local first responders led to developing the enhanced notification system which allows officials to target specific geographic areas in the county, as well as countywide, to notify residents of emergency situations.
That exercise simulated a chemical leak in a residential neighborhood that would prompt the evacuation, or shelter in place, of residents in a small area.
By having the ability to target smartphones and landlines in that small area, those residents could be quickly notified while first responders are gearing up and preparing to go door-to-door to provide in-person notification.
Residents should continue to stay informed through monitoring local weather forecasts and information provided by the National Weather Service and local media.
This is an additional avenue we can use to stay informed and help keep our families safe.
The system is intended to be used for emergency alerts, as well as non-emergency incidents that may have significant impacts to residents.
Non-emergency alerts could include significant transportation problems with prolonged impacts or significant ongoing police or fire activity.
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How to sign up for Lewis County Alerts
Residents are encouraged to sign up for Lewis County Alerts by visiting https://www.smart911.com/smart911/ref/reg.action?pa=lewiscountyky or by utilizing the Smart911 app. You may also follow the QR code above using the camera on your smartphone.
Subscribers may choose from alerting options that include text, email, voice, and through the Smart911 app.
Download the Smart911 App from the Apple Store or Google Play, or by texting “Smart911” to 67283.
You should provide your address and preferred method(s) of contact. Adding your address will allow tailoring so you do not receive alerts that don’t pertain to your geographical area.
These alerts are provided free of charge, however standard text messaging rates and other charges may apply.
Residents may also subscribe for text only alerts by texting “LewisCounty” to 78015. You will receive a confirmation back and will have the option to unsubscribe at any time.
You may modify your existing notification profile or unsubscribe at any time by visiting https://www.smart911.com/smart911/ref/login.action?pa=lewiscountyky.