Kentucky Press News Service

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday and as you prepare to “spring forward” one hour, the Kentucky Division of Fire Protection asks residents in a news release to practice fire safety by testing their smoke alarms and changing the batteries.
“Working smoke alarms in your home are the most important step you can take to increase your family’s chances of escaping a home fire,” state Fire Marshal Mike Haney said. “Installing smoke alarms with batteries that don’t need to be changed annually is one of the most affordable ways to protect your family.”
Haney advises families to replace outdated smoke alarms, if possible, with newer models that feature 10-year sealed lithium batteries.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in structures without working smoke alarms. A working smoke alarm significantly increases your chances of surviving a deadly home fire. To protect your home, follow these smoke alarm safety tips:
Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including in the basement.
If the alarm chirps, warning that the battery is low, replace the battery.
For smoke alarms without the long-life lithium batteries, be sure to replace batteries at least once a year. If that alarm chirps, replace only the battery. Date each unit when is it installed and replace it after 10 years or sooner if it does not successfully sound the alarm when the test button is pressed.